Tag Archives: habitat



I made this today to put on my desk. I find that Douglas LOVES to hang out on my desk when I do my homework, but he also LOVES to get in my way, haha. So now he’ll have a place to sit. I think I might add an extension so I can tie bird toys to it and have it hang down. Then maybe Kyoko can sit up there to avoid the evil Douglas.

It was SUPER easy to make. I just used 3/4″ PVC pipes, and cut it to the appropriate size with this neat tool my dad had called a pipe cutter. Then I bought some vet wrap to make it more grippy! Easy!

The Cages


Since I’m pretty much done with my hard exams, I decided to do some hardcore cage cleaning and take some pictures to show you the wonderful cages I’ve set up. Unfortunately, I remembered how hard it is to take pictures of cages with such small doors (I have an A&E double stack), so I tried my best but the pictures aren’t the greatest.

Let’s have a tour of the cages!

Douglas’ cage is a lot more full than Kyo’s he uses EVERY single level of the cage and actually spends a lot of time running around on the grate (or rolling around… actually).

This is the bottom of his cage. He has a big stainless steel bucket of foot toys he empties out as soon as I clean it up, and a low perch he likes to sit on and look out the window. He’s also quite the athlete, so I have lots of ropes hanging down for him to climb up.

Top left of his cage is where his happy hut is. He sleeps in this EVERY night, and every time we travel I have to bring it with him or else he won’t sleep and will stay up all night making whining noises lol. There is also a ladder I have running along the sides of the cage. And lots of toys, of course!

The cholla perch is my favourite perch. He hangs out there the most and sometimes I stick food in the holes and he forages it all out. The blue perch you can see, is a perch that someone made for me on Parrot Crazy Forum. It’s a PVC tube with a fleece sleeve, it’s great and Douglas loves it!

And this is my FAVOURITE toy I’ve made. It is a hanging basket. I used to hang it outside the cage and Douglas would ride it like a pirate ship! Now it’s inside the cage and he doesn’t really care for it, but I put more foot toys in the basket for him to ravage at.

Next is Kyo’s cage. Kyo’s cage is quite full, but she spends all her time on the top level of the cage. I actually had a lot of trouble getting pictures because EVERYTHING was in the way, lol. This is the disaster that is her cage.

The white swing is her FAVOURITE, and I take it with us when we travel also. That is where she sleeps, and that pink fluff of fleece my friend made for me, and she cuddles against it at night.

The pink sandy perch is where she hangs out the most (sorry its hard to clean lol) And underneath is a wicker basket of all her foot toys, which she also empties out everywhere as soon as I put them all away.

I love setting up cages, and I try to change the cages up whenever I have the time. But they both seem to be really happy with their layouts and with all their toys. I guess you could say my birds are a bit spoiled… hehe

The Play Area


I’ve mentioned that my birds have literally taken over my room. Well, here is their play tree.

They also have a rope atom type thing hangingby the window, and also a little rope ladder/bridge that hangs from my curtain rod (where there are toys) to the cage, and a super nice swing from Scooter Z! It’s refillable and stainless steel! Super nice! Too bad the birds don’t like it as much as I do!

Then, they have a table top stand on top of their cage, with a net attached (that I made) and some chubes!
